Secours Populaire Français is a non-profit organization operating on donations and legacy funds, and is dedicated to fighting poverty and discrimination in France and the world. It aims to bring together people of all opinions, origins, and walks of life who wish to live in solidarity.
In France, SPF is particularly focused on providing victims of discrimination with emergency shelter, food, clothing, and referrals to health care facilities. The organization also supports equal access to housing, health, vacations, cultural, sports and leisure activities,
and job placement.
We were commissioned to help Secours Populaire Français with their objective to reach Gen X, Y and Z by using gaming and social media platforms.
We started with an exploration phase, understanding and interviewing key decision
makers in the NGO.
Then we started a detection phase, identifying members who have an appetite for digital
and gaming.
Then, we organized training sessions in the form of workshops where we created digital content, identified targets and platforms and co-created a digital event among other things.
After these workshops, we created a strategy for Twitch, YouTube and TikTok.
We also designed two livestream show concepts that was be produced in 2023.